If you select multiple social media platforms and try to post more than 20 images in a single post via Viralpep, the behavior will depend on the limitations imposed by each platform.

  • For Twitter, which has a limit of 4 images per tweet, Viralpep will automatically select the first 4 images from the set and include them in the tweet. The remaining images will not be included in the tweet.

  • For other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, which do not have specific limitations on the number of images per post, Viralpep will include all the images in the post without any truncation or exclusion.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively utilize Viralpep to manage and optimize your posts across various social media platforms.

It's important to note that posting a large number of images in a single post may affect the performance and engagement of your content, so it's recommended to use a reasonable number of images that align with the best practices of each platform.